Observations from the owner, David Scardino, Environmental Scientist

Climate Change and its Effects on Foundations for Structures

As the earth warms up, sea levels rise because warm water expands and takes up more room than cold water. A process known as thermal expansion.

The melting of glaciers accelerate this problem by providing the ocean with more water.

The sea levels have risen between 4 to 8 inches in the past 100 years. Sea level rise could rise between 4 to 36 inches in the next 100 years at the current rates.

The rise in sea levels puts stress on sea walls, causing erosion of the structures affecting the foundations and stability.

Localized climate variations also pose a threat to foundations. Drought followed by unusually high precipitation can affect the stability of foundations in Florida.

It is particularly important to inspect for cracks and settling at regular intervals and to identify areas of unstable soils. It is important to take corrective action before major structural damage occurs.

Climate Change and its Effects on Foundations

Climate change is causing disruptions in the normal weather patterns leading to foundation problems.

Heat waves and drought have affected most of the US in the recent years followed by unusually heavy rains which can cause the ground to move and sink under and around your home. Improper compaction of soil and improper fill materials used extensively by many home developers and home builders in new and old developments can also lead to serious foundation problems.

Signs of foundation problems:

• Drywall cracking
• Stucco cracked or broken
• Doors or windows sticking or not closing properly
• Soil next to the foundation sunk or concrete block separated or cracked

Foundations that have begun settling or sinking can be repaired permanently by soil stabilization or by installing a foundation piering system.

Foundation problems can be scary! Premier Environmental Solutions can repair your foundation within a few days for peace of mind.